Lets Build Free and Open Bar Exam Materials for the New Bar Exam (IP)
The NCBE is designing a brand new bar exam.
This point in time is an opportunity to collectively develop free and open bar exam materials. Free and open means that law schools can remix and repurpose them for their particular needs and law students can afford to study with the bar without paying thousands of dollars.
In this session, we will propose the idea of creating an ad-hoc working group that will meet regularly to design a framework for people in legal education (law faculty, academic success professionals, law librarians, instructional designers, etc.). CALI has proven that a consortia-based model can be sustainable and can publish high-quality computer-assisted content. Is this a worthy project of CALI? Won't the commercial market step up and overwhelm this space? Is there room for economies of scale in collaboration? We hope to lay out some good ideas and start asking the questions that any effort would need to answer.
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