Accepted Sessions


Sessionsort ascending Speaker(s) Experience level
Why and How Law Schools Should Assess Faculty Tech Competency (IP) Sara Gras, Brendan Borthwick


We don't talk about NFTs: why they persist and what they mean for the law, law schools, and law libraries (IP) Deborah Ginsberg

What I hoped we'd be using blockchain for in 2022: identity management, resource distribution, document authentication

What actually happened:

Using CALI LessonLink to Track Student Progress in Achieving Learning Outcomes (IP) John Mayer

CALI's Lessonlink provides a way for law faculty to use formative assessment in their courses. 

Treasures of the CALI Syllabi Commons and Course Development in a Constantly Changing Domain (IP) Brian Donnelly


The Metaverse - The Future of Legal Education? (IP) Karina Condra


The Future of eLangdell: Incorporating Interactive Questions Into Casebooks Using H5P (Z) Sara Smith

CALI has been utilizing the power of H5P to embed interactive questions into eLangdell casebooks and guides.

Masks Making It Hard to Hear? Listen to Rutgers Virtual Microphones! (IP) Tom Ryan

The pandemic introduced all of us to masks in the classrooms. Students were already hard to hear in some of our larger rooms and this only exaggerated the issue.

Lets Build Free and Open Bar Exam Materials for the New Bar Exam (IP) John Mayer, Marjorie McDiarmid

The NCBE is designing a brand new bar exam. 

Integrating Law School Success Materials Into Your Course (V) Steven Foster, Nicole Lefton, Laura Mott

With funding from AccessLex, CALI brought together four members of the academic success community to create materials that focus on topics essential to a student’s ability to achieve their best in...

Imagining the Best Student Portfolio Platform (Z) Joan Howarth, Sarah Glassmeyer, Michael Robak, Deborah Merritt, Jonathan Askin, Barbara Glesner Fines

Meaningful reorientation to experiential legal education and licensing will require new systems to manage lawyering work product of students.

Gamification to Increase Student Engagement (V) Joy Herr-Cardillo

Please give us a detailed overview of your session and why attendees will be excited to hear about it.  

Ensure that you let us know:

Free the Teaching Resources! (IP) Susan Altmeyer

I go over a guide I made that has links to free teaching resources:

Evolution of a Legal Podcast (Z) Billie Kaufman

Please give us a detailed overview of your session and why attendees will be excited to hear about it.  

Don't Call Him Zelda: How to Use Computer Games to Reach Your Law Students (Z) Ross McPhail

Session Overview:

Course Building With CALI (V) Deb Quentel, Sara Smith

In the fall of 2021, AccessLex invited CALI to build three 12 week modules covering three areas of the law.

Building upon CALI Curriculum Materials for Increased Performance Assessment (IP) Joel Chanvisanuruk

This session is a counterpart to Deb Quental and Sara Smith’s proposal Course Building with CALI.

Building the Textbook-Less Course (IP) Larry Cunningham

Most law school courses are still centered around traditional, print textbooks. Why? Textbooks, after all, are expensive, heavy, and mostly contain materials (e.g., cases) that are publicly...

Building Empathy with Legal Technology: How teaching law students to automate court forms teaches them to care about access to justice (IP) Jessica Frank


Building a Course on a Shaky Foundation (V) Marc Lauritsen

This talk is an overview of a new course I'm giving at Suffolk Law School in Boston this fall, called Shakespeare and Knowledge Technology.

Black Mirror: The 123s and ABCs of Digital Well-Being (Z) Paul Jang

Even as the pandemic hopefully draws to a near, it's become clear that how people operate and work won't return to how it was. Instead, people are more dialed in and connected than ever before....

Adapting Technology to Meet Changing Academic Recording Policy Post-Pandemic (Z) Matt Bochniak

This session will focus on the process of leveraging existing technology to meet the challenges posed by an updated academic recording policy.  The pandemic changed expectations about access to...
